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The well-being of Woodland Heights can be directly attributed to its volunteers. We have a variety of opportunities for residents to become involved. Ex. Board of Directors consisting of 5 to 7 volunteers, management of our community propane program, social committees, sanctuary maintenance, and welcoming committee. 

We are always looking for residents to step forward and volunteer their time with the goal of making sure that our community remains vibrant and neighbourly. We require people with a variety of backgrounds, talents, and interests. These are all unpaid positions. 

If you would like to learn more, feel free to contact any member of the board of directors at any time. 

Board of Directors Positions


The President oversees the Board and its operations. Duties include chairing all meetings, developing meeting agendas, ensuring there are candidates for succession, timely responses for inquiries made by community members, duties of volunteers are being carried out properly, identifying and acting upon issue affecting the broader community. 

Assistant President

Provides assistance to the President as required, substitutes for President in his/her absence, acts as an understudy to the President with the intent of replacement when the President's term has ended. 


Responsible for everything financial —maintaining the books, fiscal reporting, financial institution management with respect to our accounts and investments, collection of memberships annually, bill payments etc. 


Responsibility for sending out all communications to the community by e mail. They maintain all contact information for the entire community (e mail and Telephone). Responsibility also includes the oversight of the Community Web Page. 

Community Enhancement

The Directors primary responsibility within this portfolio is to ensure the community gardens are maintained. This is accomplished by ensuring there are adequate volunteers to tend to the gardens throughout the neighbourhood. Each April, the Director manages the annual community clean-up day by engaging the entire community to collectively clean their property frontages from winter waste and any other debris. The Director may also provide oversight to the Sanctuary.

Social Director

This position is in place to attract volunteers to develop and implement various social programs throughout the year. The intent is to provide opportunities to bring neighbours together to meet and find enjoyment in shared activities. 


This position has the responsibility to record all Board of Director business in an appropriate manner and format, then ensure is release in a timely manner to the community.

Director at Large

Positions used for special projects and as understudies for the other Director positions.


The Director has oversight of the roads within Woodland Heights. The incumbent is best served to have connectivity and good relationships with the Town in order.

Past President

Although not a voting member of the Board this position is important as the President relies on the experiences and knowledge of the previous President to provide guidance and assistance where required. The position allows for the smooth transition for an incoming President. 

We Need Your Help!

If we don’t have volunteers, then we don’t have any of the things that make us the community that we are today. Participation is open to everyone and all ages. Giving back is very rewarding. The comradery makes it fun and for the most part, the work is not onerous.

Please contact any member of the Board if you want to become involved. We would love to have your participation!

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